Upcoming Meetings & Hearings

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Past Meetings & Hearings

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Meeting to consider HB 1201

Event Date: June 26
Senate Communications and Technology Committee | Room 8E-A, East Wing

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Joint public hearing on the recent Office of Administration server data loss

Event Date: February 7
Senate Communications and Technology Committee & Senate State Government Committee | Hearing Room 1, NOB 

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Meeting to consider SB 22, SB 745 and SB 824

Event Date: September 19
Senate Communications and Technology | Tuesday, September 19, 2023 | 9:30 a.m. | Room 8E-A East Wing

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Public Hearing on cyber security for cloud-based government applications

Event Date: March 13
Senate Communications and Technology Committee | Monday, March 13, 2023 | 1 p.m. | Room 8E-B, East Wing

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Senate Hearing on Office of Administration Data Loss set for Wednesday
February 5, 2024

Senate Hearing on Office of Administration Data Loss set for Wednesday

The Senate Communications and Technology Committee, chaired by Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24), and the Senate State Government Committee, chaired by Sen. Cris Dush (R-25), will hold a joint public hearing this week on the recent Office of Administration (OA) server data loss.  [Read More]

Cybersecurity Threats Faced by Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Examined by Senate Committees
January 31, 2024

Cybersecurity Threats Faced by Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Examined by Senate Committees

Cybersecurity threats faced by local governments and municipal authorities were the focus of a public hearing today held by the Senate Communications and Technology Committee, chaired by Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24), and the Senate Local Government Committee, chaired by Sen. Rosemary M. Brown (R-40).  [Read More]

Pennycuick Chairs Hearing Examining Government Cloud-Based Cybersecurity
March 14, 2023

Pennycuick Chairs Hearing Examining Government Cloud-Based Cybersecurity

The Senate Communications and Technology, chaired by Sen. Tracy Pennycuick (R-24), brought together information technology experts Monday for a public hearing on securing cloud-based data held by state and local governments.   [Read More]

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Legislative hearings set for Tuesday and Wednesday on data breaches in state government, blockchain technologies
June 6, 2022

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Legislative hearings set for Tuesday and Wednesday on data breaches in state government, blockchain technologies

The Senate Communications and Technology Committee and House State Government Committee will hold two joint public hearings this week.  [Read More]

Measure to consolidate state’s IT systems, strengthen cybersecurity clears committee
October 27, 2021

Measure to consolidate state’s IT systems, strengthen cybersecurity clears committee

The Senate Communications and Technology Committee advanced a proposal that will consolidate the state’s information technology under one entity and create standards to strengthen the state’s cybersecurity efforts, according to Committee Chair Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York).  [Read More]

The Senate Communications and Technology Committee oversees legislative efforts to improve access to high-speed internet in all corners of the commonwealth; ensures valuable personal information is protected and secured in state government; and considers overall state information technology efficiencies and improvement.

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East Wing 16
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3013

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